Thursday, September 08, 2005

my father has run away from home.

well, maybe not. but it seems like he is a small child that runs away to camp out in the back yard. apparently he's been sick recently and my step-mother told him to go rest in "the boys' room" (the room where we normally stay while visiting). now he has taken to calling it his room and goes in there daily to sleep and watch dvd's. this seems like odd behavior for a man of 55 years. maybe not odd, but humorous really. the man makes me laugh i suppose. he always has, and he did not disappoint this time.


Blogger TW said...

So I just found your elusive blog that you have been keeping a well-kept...secret. It's great to get a little insight into the daily life of the Lovatos. Miss you both a lot. Arizona seems to be calling a lot of people lately. I'm still holding fast to my Watsonville 2007 goals (which in reality are not goals at all, but rather a lofty ideal that I'm sure will change until I'm an old man saying "Watsonville 2049, let's do it old friend of mine"). I'm digging the Byrne quote as well...reminds me of freshman year.

8:30 AM  

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