Saturday, January 28, 2006

Girls' Night Out

Kaleena and Clare hung out last night, which meant that I would be figuring out plans for myself to give them a little girl time. I ended up meeting up with Tom and some of his friends on the Lower East Side around 9:00. It was Tom, his roommate Sonia, his friend from Notre Dame Matt, Matt's girlfriend Somethingerother, and the girlfriend's roommate Whatsherface. Somethingerother and Whatsherface told us all about their third roommate who apparently has some issues.
1.She does not flush the toilet. Ever.
a.Upon being asked about her flushing habits she insists that she does indeed flush and becomes offended that it would even be brought up.
2.Besides not flushing, she uses copius amounts of toilet paper each time she tinkles.
a.This toilet paper does not always make it in the toilet, so besides the pile of TP in the bowl that Somethinerother is greeted with each time she enters their shared bathroom, she must also face small pieces of used tissue on the floor of said restroom.
b.The non-flusher is also quite cheap and refuses to buy new toilet paper.
(1).She now uses Whatsherface's bathroom in the basement.
(a).As a result of this, Whatsherface now hides her toilet paper under her bed.
3.This last one has thus far been limited to a single occurance but still merits mentioning. She has eaten other people's leftovers that were placed in the fridge for safekeeping. Note:These were not Whatsherface or Somethingerother's leftovers, they were a friend's. Furthermore, she only ate the shrimp out of the leftovers, leaving a very confused friend upon receipt of shrimp-free viddles.

Anyway, I just thought this was a very odd living situation and deserved to be written about to be read by the masses. Alright masses, enjoy.


Blogger b said...

hahahahahaha! what the heck!

3:02 AM  

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